So...How did I do for pulling you in? How many of you had rapid, random 'C' words whirl around in your brain??
Hopefully it pulled a couple of you, that don't normally read, in to take a glance at this blog that is made up of our crazy-hectic-full of adventure-LIFE that we love!!
To let the ANTICIPATION get to you a little bit more, let me just say that at one time I thought that hardly ANYONE was reading my blog. At first I was kind of saddened, but then it hit me... I am doing this for MYSELF. I guess sometimes
we as people I (at least) get so wrapped up in the 'rat race' of always having things to do for other people, (whether it be for job, family, friends, spouses, kids, etc), that we forget to do something for ourselves.
That was the main reason I started this... For.Me.
Getting WAAAAYYY OFF TOPIC, I promise to get back to the point! :)
So with me enjoying my '6' faithful followers and myself I continued to
write type. Then, one day I came across the "Stats" for my blog and I will just say that I was delighted to see that there are more than 6 people reading this... There are a BUNCH!!!! I know, I am doing this for myself, but it is still good to know that I can still in a way multi-task. (One of my favorite past times.) Even if it is just for a couple of minutes, people, somewhere, are getting some type of pleasure out of MY
BiziLife. That makes me happy. :)
Now, down to business, this big C word has been following us around lately.... Or rather we are following it.
No, it is NOT child or childREN... Nice thought though. Patience. My family and friends.
It is CONCERT(S)!!! I know, I know... not a real good joke. BUT that is the only way I could figure out how to draw people in...
John and I have been to more concerts this school year, than EVER before. (Yes, I go by school years, not actual years like everyone else... Don't judge me!)
I won't bore you with our list that is turning to be quite the long one, but I will tell about ONE particular concert that we went to, TWICE.
Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
So good we saw them on 2 of their Florida tour dates. They are AMAZING.HOTT.ROCKERS.
Mark my words, they will be big very, very soon. (In fact, vh1, Conan O'Brien, amongst others are noticing them!) PLEASE take the time to check out their
Yea, I know... impressed, right??
Anyway, we went to the State Theatre in downtown St. Petersburg to see them on a Friday and then drove to Orlando on a Sunday night to see them perform at the Plaza Theatre.
Both venues were small, but in no part intimate...
Once that show started, it was a Rock and Roll PARTY! With both places having standing room only, we waited in line over an hour at both locations to get at the front.
Friday Night- We were close enough to the stage that we were literally leaning on it. I could have touched Grace if I REALLY wanted to... but I wanted to stay and not be escorted out. :) That night, John was able to get a guitar pic that was left on stage, right by Grace's microphone.
Saturday Night- We were front row again, but they had the first couple feet by the stage closed off for media usage. Honestly, Sunday night was my favorite night! The band had more energy, the crowd was totally feelin' it and we had a blast!! On this night, John and I caught one of the drumsticks... I had both hands on this stick and John had one. We WERE NOT letting go! :)
I won't go into much more detail because then I even get bored typing it... I can only imagine how it would be to read about every little thing that happened. BUT if you like that sort of thing, please ask! I have TONS of stories. :)
Now, our nights through pictures...........
I was standing center stage... my view
Justin Jones... acoustic. Great voice, funny guy! Check him out! :)
Jonathan Tyler from '
Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights'
THEY ARE A MUST SEE!!! We *might* see them in May...
GPN Pictures
My favorite photo from the night
That is all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.