Well, I will tell you what is up... BAKING in my house. I have been very blessed to have baking jobs through out the month of December AND January. So far, I have one order for February. Let me just take a second to say that I don't know how this happened... I picked up this hobby, like I have said before, to make cupcakes per my pregnant sister's request... The rest is history.
For the month of January, I branched out a little and made TWO cakes... I didn't think I would ever be good at a whole cake. All I kept thinking was, if I mess up this is it, I have to start all over. I can't just throw the cupcake or cookie away and pick up an extra one that I have set aside.
It is very obvious that I have a lot to learn and way far to go, but I was presently surprised with how my cakes turned out.
In this whole cake process, I also learned how to make homemade fondant. That was sooo much FUN! If you are interested in learning, just ask I will give you the link. I am not a secret recipe kinda gal. I like to share. :)
Anyways, here are my cakes. Please be nice with your judgements. I know there are flaws, believe me I picked these cakes apart when I was decorating them.
Happy Birthday! Cake
John's dad, Charlie, turned 56 and John's aunt, Marla turned 50. So, to celebrate we went out to dinner and then had everyone back to our house for cake and ice cream and gifts!
These next pictures are of a cake I did for a baby shower. The momma to be LOVES anything Arctic-polar bears, penguins, snowflakes... The little baby boy's room will even be done in the same theme.
These are the cupcakes I made with a few penguin cookies hangin around...
Up next, you might wonder??? Chocolate cupcakes with Zebra print liners and HOT pink icing. FUN!! Pictures to come!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday RunDay
We all have something we are good at, that we love doing, we make a conscious decision to do our 'thing,' and if we don't get a chance to do our favorite thing, we fill empty, like something is missing, you just don't feel like yourself...
I honestly can say with all my heart <3 that my husband's 'thing,' his hobby, his talent--- whatever you wish to call it... is RUNNING.
Who likes to run? Who things they are actually good at it? Who enjoys it? Who does it for fun? NOT me, that is for sure, but he does. He runs almost every.single.day.
I admire him.
He is an awesome runner.
I am of course speaking for him when I say he is good, he is better than good, he has a natural talent. He would be bashful and say that he is an okay runner compared to the 'pros,' but I disagree.
He was always active as a kid and teenager, but it wasn't until our first year of dating that he competed in his first 'race.' And that one little 5k in Fernandina Beach was all it took... to HOOK him.
Since then, he has been a runner. John has competed in everything from 5k from 50 mile runs. (Yes, I said fifty.)
As you can all imagine, running is a big part of not only his life, but our life. John's running determines most of our nights and our weekends. But, I don't mind. I don't think I would have it any other way. His running and active lifestyle has opened so many doors for us, for me. I feel that because of that 'change of life' pace (literally) we have become a more health conscious, active couple. Yes, we still eat bad things, very bad things. BUT we are pretty aware of everything we put into our mouths and the repercussions it might have. (For example, a bowl of queso from Tijuana Flats... bad choice... walk after dinner... crunches...)
There I go again.. getting off topic! Anyways, all this to say that on Sunday John competed in the Ocala Marathon. This is his 3rd time running this particular race. It is one of my favorite, as a wife of a runner. The weather is always perfect, it is literally in our backyard, and J always has a pretty quick recovery from it. Once again, I am one PROUD wife of my amazing runner. I feel blessed to kiss such an awesome guy after he crosses the finish line. That hug and kiss, no matter how sweaty and salty and stinky, is one of my favorite feelings. I can't explain it. I think that I feel some of the joy and relief that he feels.
Without further a do... here are some pictures from his RACE day. Results are at the end. :)
I honestly can say with all my heart <3 that my husband's 'thing,' his hobby, his talent--- whatever you wish to call it... is RUNNING.
Who likes to run? Who things they are actually good at it? Who enjoys it? Who does it for fun? NOT me, that is for sure, but he does. He runs almost every.single.day.
I admire him.
He is an awesome runner.
I am of course speaking for him when I say he is good, he is better than good, he has a natural talent. He would be bashful and say that he is an okay runner compared to the 'pros,' but I disagree.
He was always active as a kid and teenager, but it wasn't until our first year of dating that he competed in his first 'race.' And that one little 5k in Fernandina Beach was all it took... to HOOK him.
Since then, he has been a runner. John has competed in everything from 5k from 50 mile runs. (Yes, I said fifty.)
As you can all imagine, running is a big part of not only his life, but our life. John's running determines most of our nights and our weekends. But, I don't mind. I don't think I would have it any other way. His running and active lifestyle has opened so many doors for us, for me. I feel that because of that 'change of life' pace (literally) we have become a more health conscious, active couple. Yes, we still eat bad things, very bad things. BUT we are pretty aware of everything we put into our mouths and the repercussions it might have. (For example, a bowl of queso from Tijuana Flats... bad choice... walk after dinner... crunches...)
There I go again.. getting off topic! Anyways, all this to say that on Sunday John competed in the Ocala Marathon. This is his 3rd time running this particular race. It is one of my favorite, as a wife of a runner. The weather is always perfect, it is literally in our backyard, and J always has a pretty quick recovery from it. Once again, I am one PROUD wife of my amazing runner. I feel blessed to kiss such an awesome guy after he crosses the finish line. That hug and kiss, no matter how sweaty and salty and stinky, is one of my favorite feelings. I can't explain it. I think that I feel some of the joy and relief that he feels.
Without further a do... here are some pictures from his RACE day. Results are at the end. :)
Beautiful day, Beautiful finish
11 overall finish
8th overall male
1st in age (men's 25-29)
time: 3:35:49
Monday, January 17, 2011
Oh January, Where did you go??
So I had all of these lofty intentions to do all of these great 'things' in 2011 and I am halfway through January and feel like I am failing... miserably!
How did this happen? So soon? Well I guess Life. Just. Happened. (My number ONE excuse)
Some of my wonderful 'goals' for 2011 were and STILL are...
a. Work out more often.
---What do I mean by this? Well... in 2010 I had one of my personal best years for working out since college... I completed one complete 90 day round of P90x. Yay! I saw immediate results! But then what happened? Summertime came and I enjoyed my bathing suit body too much by thinking I could lay back and relax... Not possible. I have learned that with each year that goes by the harder it is for me to keep and maintain a firm body... All those people out there (if there are any readers) that are thinking right now... She has no room to talk about firm, she is so thin! It.Doesn't.Matter. Skinny people can have fat, cellulite, lumps, and pudgy stomaches, TOO! And I hate it.
So that leads me to my 2011 'goal.' I haven't started out so great. I am thinking that if I write it and let it all out there, maybe, just maybe I will hold myself more accountable. I literally have no reason to NOT workout... So, it is out... I WILL workout more often.
b. Blog more often.
--- Yes, I know it is halfway through January and I this is only my first 'official' 2011 blog, but like I mentioned above, if I type it and put it out there, maybe I will hold myself accountable? We will see.
c. Learn how to sew.
--- That is right people, I am marking off my list of things I want to do before I am 30. What am I talking about? A list of things to do before I am 30? Yes, I have one. It is kept in my wallet. No reasons in particular for the 30 thing. I just want to make sure I never, ever have a mentality of 'I shoulda, coulda, woulda... I am sure I will make many more lists as the years go by. I am a list kinda-person!
I want to sew. Sew what? You might wonder... I have no idea. I just want to sew something and feel that gratification! How do I plan to do this? Well my lovely NanaC. has volunteered to teach me. hehe... She has her work cut out!
d. Be a Better Wife.
--- Oh no! She isn't a good wife?!?! No, no, no. I feel absolutely, well 99%, positive that John feels I am a good 'wife.' However, I feel that there is always room to improve... I never, ever want to stop trying in our marriage. So, every year, it will be my goal to work on and improve our relationship as husband and wife.
e. Practice my two 'hobbies' of baking and photography.
--- Why practice? Well, Practice.Makes.Perfect! In 2010, I found two hobbies that I KNOW I will love forever. I feel that last year was definitely my year for trying new things. THIS year is my year to improve on those two new things. I picked up these hobbies because I wanted to do something nice for my sister and the cutest nephew in the entire world, Tyler... In that process, I learned that I am pretty good at it! I know though, that I have tons to learn.
In 2010, I was able to take my hobbies and make a little extra Dough, Money, $$$. How awesome is that?! Take something you love to do for fun and make a little extra cash!!
This year, I hope to learn and grow more as a baker and photographer and If I make more money, than So.Be.It.
f. Get our house in order.
---Say what?! The house that I have lived in for over a year is Still not in order?! Nope!! Again, I feel like this is a goal that I have every year... There are things I want to do and improve on. Nothing major, but make some changes. Of course, I will post everything on here!!! :) Remember goal , 'b.'
That is it readers! These are my goals. Of course, they are in no particular order. Just the random order of thinking on this lovely day.
Did I hear you say that you missed seeing a picture??? Okay, Okay here is a couple pictures of one of our 'children.' Teaching us everyday that no one thing/person/animal is alike. I think Tugger is preparing us for kids...
What happened to his stomach?!??!!
Well, He had to have EMERGENCY surgery... WHY??!? Because he swallowed a screw cap cover and it lodged in his small intestine. Puncturing the wall... Yea, nice, there went our fun trip for New Year's Eve. $1,000.00 later... we went home.
Awww, so cute... Not.When.He.Is.Bad!!!
Bad kitty! I can't turn around for two seconds...
Who am I kidding? I love this little terror.
That is all I have for now! Promise towrite type to you soon!
How did this happen? So soon? Well I guess Life. Just. Happened. (My number ONE excuse)
Some of my wonderful 'goals' for 2011 were and STILL are...
a. Work out more often.
---What do I mean by this? Well... in 2010 I had one of my personal best years for working out since college... I completed one complete 90 day round of P90x. Yay! I saw immediate results! But then what happened? Summertime came and I enjoyed my bathing suit body too much by thinking I could lay back and relax... Not possible. I have learned that with each year that goes by the harder it is for me to keep and maintain a firm body... All those people out there (if there are any readers) that are thinking right now... She has no room to talk about firm, she is so thin! It.Doesn't.Matter. Skinny people can have fat, cellulite, lumps, and pudgy stomaches, TOO! And I hate it.
So that leads me to my 2011 'goal.' I haven't started out so great. I am thinking that if I write it and let it all out there, maybe, just maybe I will hold myself more accountable. I literally have no reason to NOT workout... So, it is out... I WILL workout more often.
b. Blog more often.
--- Yes, I know it is halfway through January and I this is only my first 'official' 2011 blog, but like I mentioned above, if I type it and put it out there, maybe I will hold myself accountable? We will see.
c. Learn how to sew.
--- That is right people, I am marking off my list of things I want to do before I am 30. What am I talking about? A list of things to do before I am 30? Yes, I have one. It is kept in my wallet. No reasons in particular for the 30 thing. I just want to make sure I never, ever have a mentality of 'I shoulda, coulda, woulda... I am sure I will make many more lists as the years go by. I am a list kinda-person!
I want to sew. Sew what? You might wonder... I have no idea. I just want to sew something and feel that gratification! How do I plan to do this? Well my lovely NanaC. has volunteered to teach me. hehe... She has her work cut out!
d. Be a Better Wife.
--- Oh no! She isn't a good wife?!?! No, no, no. I feel absolutely, well 99%, positive that John feels I am a good 'wife.' However, I feel that there is always room to improve... I never, ever want to stop trying in our marriage. So, every year, it will be my goal to work on and improve our relationship as husband and wife.
e. Practice my two 'hobbies' of baking and photography.
--- Why practice? Well, Practice.Makes.Perfect! In 2010, I found two hobbies that I KNOW I will love forever. I feel that last year was definitely my year for trying new things. THIS year is my year to improve on those two new things. I picked up these hobbies because I wanted to do something nice for my sister and the cutest nephew in the entire world, Tyler... In that process, I learned that I am pretty good at it! I know though, that I have tons to learn.
In 2010, I was able to take my hobbies and make a little extra Dough, Money, $$$. How awesome is that?! Take something you love to do for fun and make a little extra cash!!
This year, I hope to learn and grow more as a baker and photographer and If I make more money, than So.Be.It.
f. Get our house in order.
---Say what?! The house that I have lived in for over a year is Still not in order?! Nope!! Again, I feel like this is a goal that I have every year... There are things I want to do and improve on. Nothing major, but make some changes. Of course, I will post everything on here!!! :) Remember goal , 'b.'
That is it readers! These are my goals. Of course, they are in no particular order. Just the random order of thinking on this lovely day.
Did I hear you say that you missed seeing a picture??? Okay, Okay here is a couple pictures of one of our 'children.' Teaching us everyday that no one thing/person/animal is alike. I think Tugger is preparing us for kids...
What happened to his stomach?!??!!
Well, He had to have EMERGENCY surgery... WHY??!? Because he swallowed a screw cap cover and it lodged in his small intestine. Puncturing the wall... Yea, nice, there went our fun trip for New Year's Eve. $1,000.00 later... we went home.
Awww, so cute... Not.When.He.Is.Bad!!!
Bad kitty! I can't turn around for two seconds...
Who am I kidding? I love this little terror.
That is all I have for now! Promise to
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
I honestly can't figure out where the month of December went... For that matter, where 2010 went?! Rhetorical question, obviously...
Since I was such a bad blogger and had to catch up 3 months worth of our crazy-busy life, I decided to keep Christmas and New Years to its very own post.
Ever since my parents separated and divorced, my holiday schedule got ridiculously full of running around trying to see and spend time with everyone.
Then we come to John and me joining our lives together...
John + Me = Crazy, Stressful, Running Around like crazy people on the holidays!!
Although I just used words such as CRAZY, BUSY, RIDICULOUS the holidays really are about seeing family and friends and spending time with the ones you cherish. I won't lie, every holiday J and I get stressed and fuss over how we are going to fit in every.single.person. BUT somehow it all works out. We get a chance to see our families, even if it is just for a couple of hours. And when we look back and think about our holiday, we honestly enjoy every minute of it. Besides, who wouldn't enjoy traveling allll of north-central Florida with a hunk of a husband sitting next to you?! (Yes, another rhetorical question!)
Without further a do.... our 2010 Christmas through pictures...
Cookies for Santa and Carrots for the reindeer... Christmas Eve, Mom's house
"Santa won't come until you go to sleep."
I must have said that 1,532,750 times!
Dad & Lori's Christmas Mid-day
Chelsea, Levi, and Tyler
Awwww it is Tyler and his favorite Aunt!!
Yea, he looks like the Glasgow Girls for sure! ;)
Merry Christmas Ty!
Sooo cyber world, that completes the holiday festivities! I know, I know, it is a lot of pictures to look at, but hey... at least there wasn't that much to read!?!
As for New Years Eve, we ended up having a quaint little get together/bonfire at our house. It was full of great family, food, and let's not forget the drinks!! I was a bad photographer that night... Soooo no pictures to go along. :(
Next blog post? I think I might share a few of my goals for 2011!!
Since I was such a bad blogger and had to catch up 3 months worth of our crazy-busy life, I decided to keep Christmas and New Years to its very own post.
Ever since my parents separated and divorced, my holiday schedule got ridiculously full of running around trying to see and spend time with everyone.
Then we come to John and me joining our lives together...
John + Me = Crazy, Stressful, Running Around like crazy people on the holidays!!
Although I just used words such as CRAZY, BUSY, RIDICULOUS the holidays really are about seeing family and friends and spending time with the ones you cherish. I won't lie, every holiday J and I get stressed and fuss over how we are going to fit in every.single.person. BUT somehow it all works out. We get a chance to see our families, even if it is just for a couple of hours. And when we look back and think about our holiday, we honestly enjoy every minute of it. Besides, who wouldn't enjoy traveling allll of north-central Florida with a hunk of a husband sitting next to you?! (Yes, another rhetorical question!)
Without further a do.... our 2010 Christmas through pictures...
Cookies for Santa and Carrots for the reindeer... Christmas Eve, Mom's house
"Santa won't come until you go to sleep."
I must have said that 1,532,750 times!
Christmas at Nana's
Christmas Morning at Mom & Chris's
Dad & Lori's Christmas Mid-day
Chelsea, Levi, and Tyler
Yea, he looks like the Glasgow Girls for sure! ;)
Merry Christmas Ty!
Sooo cyber world, that completes the holiday festivities! I know, I know, it is a lot of pictures to look at, but hey... at least there wasn't that much to read!?!
As for New Years Eve, we ended up having a quaint little get together/bonfire at our house. It was full of great family, food, and let's not forget the drinks!! I was a bad photographer that night... Soooo no pictures to go along. :(
Next blog post? I think I might share a few of my goals for 2011!!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Big Apologies for the end of 2010 blogging...
What can I say... life.just.happened.
I have come to realize that I didn't make the best 'blogger' in 2010!! Oops! Here is to starting the year off right though!!
Seriously though, I can't believe I haven't even written a single post since September! Soooooo to catch up the internet world and take a look back for myself, here is a quick look back from October 2010 until December 2010...
And of course, you (my reader(s)), have no other choice than to view it through my camera!!
Pictured here: Dad and Lori
Lori graduated nursing school and is now officially a LPN!! Congrats Lori!!
Pictured here:
"Monkey" cookies. These were also for a good friend's birthday. She absolutely loves monkeys and I just couldn't resist making them for her!!
Pictured below:
Right after the birth of Tyler, J and I hopped on a flight to good ole' PA! Not that I was trying to skip town on my brand new nephew or anything, but this trip was planned since before his birth was known.
See, a best friend of mine from college, Kelli Holz-Stubbe had just welcomed her little bundle of joy into the world a couple months before! Soooo we just had to visit Kelli, Jason and baby Janie for a couple of days!!
We flew into Pittsburgh Airport and rented a car... we got to experience the Pitts by driving through it.... Horrible traffic, but beautiful buildings!
Stare into this picture... for as long as needed... yes, this is what FALL looks like!! Awesome!?! Isn't it?? I know, I know, you think this is a fake picture... but, It.Is.Real.
So let me just say that when I said small town, I meant it... Kelli and Jason literally know everyone! Even the MILK MAN!
Yes, there is such thing as a milk man and yes, they get there milk delivered fresh to their door step... along with their eggs!
IF John drank milk and IF we lived in a small town, I would like to know the milk man and have ice cold milk delivered to MY door. :)
Fall Festival Photoshop fun...
Pictured here:
Tyler's New Born Pictures
There are tons more of pictures, but these are just a few of my personal favorites!
Pictured here:
Then we move on to family pictures for my mom's annual Christmas Card...
Cade and his Big Brothers
One of Cade's favorite things to do... (And mine too!!)
The girls are officially out numbered, but that is okay!
Pictured here:
In November a friend of mine got married. They had a quick whirl wind engagement of just two months and were unable to find a local photographer in time. Soooo, for their wedding present, I took their engagement and wedding pictures... (I, in no way, consider myself a professional)However, I was extremely pleased with the pictures and so was Angela. Here are a few of my favorites from their wedding!!
Pictured here:
John's Grandma turned 85!!
So, I made chocolate cupcakes with buttercream icing and marzipan roses to match her very favorite china pattern... the Dessert Rose Collection
Pictured here:
Marla, Grandma, and Darla
Happy Birthday, Grandma!!
Pictured here:
Birthday cookies made to order
"Let's take a ride on my big green tractor!"
And of course St. Aug. isn't complete without a trip to the light house... J's first ever experience climbing up the lighthouse steps!!
Need I say more??
Oh and John's surf board...
This is one of my favorite photos from our trip...
If you are still reading the world's most incredibly longest blog posts, this is why it is such a favorite...
Ask yourself these questions...
Do you love a surfer?
Do you love the natural water drip caught on this photo?
Do you love the product placement of quicksilver? (A little cheesy? I know!)
My Answer: I do, I do, I do!!!
Plus, this married surfer-dude is Mine, alllllll MINE!! See the wedding band? :)
This is what a tent looks like...very.small.space.
Yes, that is my SAD attempt to catch our kissing shadows... :)
Pictured here:
I have come to realize that I didn't make the best 'blogger' in 2010!! Oops! Here is to starting the year off right though!!
Seriously though, I can't believe I haven't even written a single post since September! Soooooo to catch up the internet world and take a look back for myself, here is a quick look back from October 2010 until December 2010...
And of course, you (my reader(s)), have no other choice than to view it through my camera!!
Pictured here: Dad and Lori
Lori graduated nursing school and is now officially a LPN!! Congrats Lori!!
Pictured here:
"Vera Bradley" inspired cookies for a friend/co-worker's birthday. She LOVED them! Plus, I had a blast making them!
"Monkey" cookies. These were also for a good friend's birthday. She absolutely loves monkeys and I just couldn't resist making them for her!!
Pictured here:
What I had been waiting for 9 long months for! The birth of Tyler Levi!!
First family picture of Chelsea, Levi, and Tyler!!
I love him so much already!
Pictured below:
Right after the birth of Tyler, J and I hopped on a flight to good ole' PA! Not that I was trying to skip town on my brand new nephew or anything, but this trip was planned since before his birth was known.
See, a best friend of mine from college, Kelli Holz-Stubbe had just welcomed her little bundle of joy into the world a couple months before! Soooo we just had to visit Kelli, Jason and baby Janie for a couple of days!!
We flew into Pittsburgh Airport and rented a car... we got to experience the Pitts by driving through it.... Horrible traffic, but beautiful buildings!
And here is little miss Janie... Cute as a little button!!
Kelli and Jason live in Indiana, Pa. Which is by far one of the cutest, small towns I have ever been to! Jason and Kelli can practically walk everywhere in their town and we had a blast getting to experience it.
A couple of towns away is the GROUND HOG!! Yes, we got to see Phil and his 'girl.' :) It was quite amazing to finally put a place with a historical tradition that I teach to my kids ever year!
I can't wait to share these pictures this February!!
Stare into this picture... for as long as needed... yes, this is what FALL looks like!! Awesome!?! Isn't it?? I know, I know, you think this is a fake picture... but, It.Is.Real.
A couple of fun photographs... just dabbling a little in the photo hobby...... keyword "HOBBY!"
So let me just say that when I said small town, I meant it... Kelli and Jason literally know everyone! Even the MILK MAN!
Yes, there is such thing as a milk man and yes, they get there milk delivered fresh to their door step... along with their eggs!
IF John drank milk and IF we lived in a small town, I would like to know the milk man and have ice cold milk delivered to MY door. :)
Kelli and Jason's Home!
Fall Festival Photoshop fun...
I think I have an obsession with taking pictures of buildings... churches, barns, etc.
Only the second covered bridge I have seen in my life. John's first. Kinda scary to drive through, but fun!
Kelli and Janie!
We had a Mountain Pie Bonfire at Jason's parents... delicious!!
Mountain Pie Maker!
Tyler's New Born Pictures
There are tons more of pictures, but these are just a few of my personal favorites!
Pictured here:
Then we move on to family pictures for my mom's annual Christmas Card...
Cade and his Big Brothers
Special Delivery!
The girls are officially out numbered, but that is okay!
This family is growing by Leaps and Bounds!
Pictured here:
In November a friend of mine got married. They had a quick whirl wind engagement of just two months and were unable to find a local photographer in time. Soooo, for their wedding present, I took their engagement and wedding pictures... (I, in no way, consider myself a professional)However, I was extremely pleased with the pictures and so was Angela. Here are a few of my favorites from their wedding!!
Pictured here:
John's Grandma turned 85!!
So, I made chocolate cupcakes with buttercream icing and marzipan roses to match her very favorite china pattern... the Dessert Rose Collection
Marla, Grandma, and Darla
Happy Birthday, Grandma!!
Pictured here:
Birthday cookies made to order
"Let's take a ride on my big green tractor!"
Pictured Below:
J and I had a week off for Thanksgiving break sooo we decided to venture out on our very first camping experience as a married couple.
Before you look at the pictures, I must admit, I.Was.Not.Thrilled.To.Sleep.In.A.Tent.
BUUUUTTTT it turns out, that I am a little outdoorsy after all.
Plus, we stayed at Anastasia State Park in St. Augustine... we could literally walk to the beach from our tent. AWESOME.
While there, we found this neat place to eat. The Conch House. All of these pics were taken in and around the marina restaurant. (There were also other really good places to eat, but I want to keep those a secret! Plus, no pics to entice you to go! ;) )
Best part? We got to sit in a Tiki Hut to eat!!
And of course St. Aug. isn't complete without a trip to the light house... J's first ever experience climbing up the lighthouse steps!!
Need I say more??
Oh and John's surf board...
This is one of my favorite photos from our trip...
If you are still reading the world's most incredibly longest blog posts, this is why it is such a favorite...
Ask yourself these questions...
Do you love a surfer?
Do you love the natural water drip caught on this photo?
Do you love the product placement of quicksilver? (A little cheesy? I know!)
My Answer: I do, I do, I do!!!
Plus, this married surfer-dude is Mine, alllllll MINE!! See the wedding band? :)
This is what a tent looks like...very.small.space.
Thanksgiving, 2010
I like to take photos of food too... What can I say, I am a FOODIE.
My homemade Colonial Apple Pie.... Yum!!
Chels and Tyler
What are YOU thankful for??
I wish I could eat cupcakes for dinner and still be skinny!
Pictured here:
My stupid Blackberry.... yes, it is covered in royal icing.... Just ask if I care? Ok, since you asked... Nope! Soooo glad Sprint and Blackberry are soo 2010! On to bigger and BETTER things!
I made Sunflower Cookies for a wedding.... one hundred, twenty-five of them.... I had not a single space left in my kitchen after all was said and done!
BTW- that IS John in the background... yes, he helped!! :)
Pictured here:
The 55 ft 1930's Ferris Wheel that graced it's presence in Downtown Ocala for the month of December... Yes, we went on it.
Cade spent the weekend with us, he had a BLAST on his first ferris wheel ride!
I love reflections, especially silly ones!
Pictured here:
Merry Christmas from the Bisignano Household!
This was our Christmas tree!!
I inherited this infatuation of setting the table with my Christmas dishes... Thanks, Mom! :)
I'm not bragging or anything, but I have saved every single Christmas Card that John and I have received since we were engaged. It has turned into a wonderful collection.
I made these Christmas Cupcakes for a holiday baking order... So much fun!
These cookies were also a holiday order... for Christmas Morning!
I loved baking for the holidays, however, I didn't get a chance to do a lot of baking for myself... That is okay I guess, I didn't need to eat any of it anyway!
I am going to end here. What was that? Your eyes are completely dried out from staring at the screen for too long?? Well, relax... No more to read!
I am going to do our Christmas and New Years in a different post...
I will say though, more for me to type it to myself, I am going to try* to keep up on this blog better.
Like I said when I started this, it is a way for me to get out all of those random words that are wondering around in my brain.
So, watch out, Internet World! Here me ROAR in 2011!

I like to take photos of food too... What can I say, I am a FOODIE.
Chels and Tyler
What are YOU thankful for??
Pictured here:
My stupid Blackberry.... yes, it is covered in royal icing.... Just ask if I care? Ok, since you asked... Nope! Soooo glad Sprint and Blackberry are soo 2010! On to bigger and BETTER things!
I made Sunflower Cookies for a wedding.... one hundred, twenty-five of them.... I had not a single space left in my kitchen after all was said and done!
BTW- that IS John in the background... yes, he helped!! :)
Pictured here:
The 55 ft 1930's Ferris Wheel that graced it's presence in Downtown Ocala for the month of December... Yes, we went on it.
Cade spent the weekend with us, he had a BLAST on his first ferris wheel ride!
I love reflections, especially silly ones!
Pictured here:
Merry Christmas from the Bisignano Household!
This was our Christmas tree!!
I inherited this infatuation of setting the table with my Christmas dishes... Thanks, Mom! :)
I'm not bragging or anything, but I have saved every single Christmas Card that John and I have received since we were engaged. It has turned into a wonderful collection.
I made these Christmas Cupcakes for a holiday baking order... So much fun!
These cookies were also a holiday order... for Christmas Morning!
I loved baking for the holidays, however, I didn't get a chance to do a lot of baking for myself... That is okay I guess, I didn't need to eat any of it anyway!
I am going to end here. What was that? Your eyes are completely dried out from staring at the screen for too long?? Well, relax... No more to read!
I am going to do our Christmas and New Years in a different post...
I will say though, more for me to type it to myself, I am going to try* to keep up on this blog better.
Like I said when I started this, it is a way for me to get out all of those random words that are wondering around in my brain.
So, watch out, Internet World! Here me ROAR in 2011!
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